
QX-202C capsules are used for in-situ SEMimaging of various dynamic hydration processes. They can be used for imagingthe hydration process of cement, gypsum and other materials. The unique designof the QX-202C capsules allows extended studies to be performed inside the SEMvacuum chamber - the dynamic process can be followed for up to 24 hours,removing the need for multiple-sample imaging or repetitive venting of the SEM.There is no need for coating, drying or freezing of the samples. Simply placethe sample in the capsule, seal it and image. The samples can be visualizeddirectly using a BSE detector.

The QX-202C capsules are intended forsingle use and are supplied in boxes of 24 units


MP-12 Multi-capsule Plate

The Multi-capsule Plate is designed toenable parallel handling of a number of individual QX-202C capsules. It servesfor holding the capsules during specimen preparation, and for storage.


QX Imaging Buffer

QX Imaging Buffer is a solution optimizedfor imaging the Calibration Capsule in an SEM. It should be applied into theCalibration Capsule prior to SEM imaging. The QX Imaging Buffer is suppliedlyophilized.


Calibration Capsule

The Calibration Capsule is a capsule thathas been specially designed to assist first time users in finding optimalimaging conditions for WETSEMTM imaging in their SEM. The Calibration Capsulecontains nanoparticles of two different sizes; 40 and 500 nm. The particles areeasily visualized in an SEM and provide a convenient means to calibrate theparameters for optimal wet imaging conditions.


Aplicator (Microman M25and tips)

Gilson Microman® pipette is speciallydesigned to accurately displace small quantities of viscous solutions andmixtures. Also supplied is a box of single-use capillaries and pistons whichare used in conjunction with the Microman M25.